Let’s talk Universal Laws…

I wasn’t always privy to understanding or even knowing about Universal Laws. When I was first introduced I thought it was pertaining to the Laws of Physics. Technically it does, but I’ll get into that when I break them down. I will focus on just the seven Universal Laws in this post.

About four years ago I was led to study more esoteric knowledge. I read quite a few ancient texts including works by Thoth, concepts of alchemy (particularly mental alchemy) and I studied Hermeticism. I was able to also find the Universal Laws.

Universal Laws are of nature and not of any religion. Although if you belong to a religion you could study, understand and be aware of Universal Laws.

Here are 7 Universal Laws:

The Law of Divine Oneness: We all are connected. Everything is connected including humanity and the natural world as one source energy. Whatever we think or do will have a corresponding effect on someone else as well as the world around us.

The Law of Vibration: This is the main element behind the The Law of Attraction. Our thoughts and emotions send vibrations out into the universe. These vibrational frequencies have the power to allow us to tune into whatever we desire, or depending on your thoughts and emotions, what you claim to not want.

The Law of Attraction: Simply put, like attracts like. Your vibrations that you send out into the universe via your thoughts and emotions attract like vibrations, either positive or negative.

The Law of Action: In order to get what you want, you must take action. This law also means aligning yourself with the actions to support your desires. This one can be tricky because the fear monster can interrupt your taking action.

The Law of Correspondence: Ever hear “as above, so below”? Basically if you want to see positivity reflected on the outside, you have to adjust yourself on the inside.

The Law of Cause and Effect: This law is better known as karma. However, I believe most people misunderstand the concept of karma to mean punishment. This law is more reflective that there’s no such thing as coincidence and that there’s no such thing as chance. Our actions will have consequences and there will be results specific to the action.

The Law of Rhythm: There is a flow. Everything flows in the universe with its own rhythm. Imagine a pendulum swinging; inevitably things will be on the upswing and your life is flowing to your advantage. The inevitable downswing will come and things may get more complicated. The main thing to this law is to understand maintaining balance of our emotions and our thoughts.

There are more Universal Laws, but I wanted to focus on these seven. Understanding and applying these Universal Laws has helped me to better understand not only my life through ups and downs and challenges and triumphs; but I also have a better understanding of other people, nature, the world etc. It really is deeper than only focusing on the Law of Attraction. I write quite a bit about this particular law, however, I am always aware of these other Universal Laws.

Hopefully these simple descriptions can help with understanding and ultimately add even more power to manifesting your desired life. I have had a profound, life altering experience by simply knowing the Universal Laws.

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